
Hurricane Season came early this year! Is your business’s critical data protected?

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to protecting one of THE MOST critical assets your business owns: its data! For that, I congratulate you on taking the first step to ensuring your company is protected.

In our experience, most companies are horribly inept at backing up and protecting critical data—things like important plans and schematics, proposal/bids, financials and e-mail communications you’d never want to lose, client databases (and contact information), or work documents and products that have taken YEARS to collect and create.

All of that can be GONE in an INSTANT due to something as simple as a hard drive failing in a server, flooding from a hurricane, or a malicious virus such as Ransomware being introduced to your network—and this happens every single day to companies across America who operate under the false sense of “that could never happen to ME.”

That’s why it’s extremely important that you take a moment to request a FREE evaluation found to the right if this page. I would URGE you to say “Yes” to the FREE Backup & Business Continuity Evaluation offered—there is no cost or obligation for this service and, in the end, you’ll know with absolutely certainty if ALL of your data is being backed up in a way that could be restored quickly in the event of an unforeseen disaster. If our evaluation reveals that it is NOT (which is often the case), you have the opportunity to correct this gaping hole before a disaster happens. As an added bonus you can receive the “3 Critical Things You Must Have In Place To Save Your Business” Simply by requesting you FREE Backup & Business Continuity Evaluation today!

Fair Warning: You must respond to this FREE Backup & Business Continuity Evaluation by July 31st, 2018 or we’ll be forced to withdraw this offer; this service is free but takes several hours to perform. Therefore, we cannot leave this offer open forever. To request your evaluation, simply complete the form to the right of this page. Of course, if you have any questions, please call me at 561-582-9467.

Dedicated to serving you,

Deana Pizzo, CEO
I.T. Solutions of South Florida

Special Offer: I.T. Solutions of South Florida offer to anyone who signs up for a Free Disaster Recovery Audit for their business within the next 48 hours will be automatically registered to win a JBL Flip 4 Waterproof Speaker.


Request Your FREE Backup & Business Continuity Evaluation

Don't wait until it's too late to get the information you need to protect your business from disastrous downtime. Request your free Evaluation today!