New Cyberthreat: ZenRAT Malware Poses Risk to Business Owners

This new strain of malware is dangerous for small businesses and large enterprises alike—learn more here. Business Can Only Stop Ransomware Attacks If They Recognize Them By now, all modern business owners understand that staying ahead of cybersecurity risks can be a constant challenge. Crime evolves, and clever hackers are …

Microsoft Patch Tuesday

Microsoft released on March 14, 2023, a security update that fixes at least 74 bugs in Windows and other software. Hackers are already attacking two flaws, including a very serious one in Microsoft Outlook. Microsoft Outlook Vulnerability The Outlook bug, CVE-2023-23397, affects all versions of Microsoft Outlook from 2013 to …

Preparing for the End of Windows 10

Business owners worldwide have adopted Windows 10, one of Microsoft’s most popular operating systems. However, Microsoft will cease offering digital downloads of Windows 10 on January 31, 2023. The discontinuation of Windows 10 can significantly impact business operations, particularly regarding security. Security Updates: Businesses will continue to receive updates and …

Don’t Let Outdated Operating Systems Put Your Business at Risk

As the New Year begins, business owners need to be aware of a significant change in the technology landscape: the end of Microsoft’s support for Windows 7 and 8.1. As of January 10th, 2023, Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or technical support for these versions of its operating …

Windows 11 2022 Update

Microsoft released the “first major update” for Windows 11 on Tuesday, September 20, 2022, as Windows 11 nears its first anniversary. According to a blog posted by Microsoft, the Windows 11 update focuses on four key areas: ● Making the PC easier and safer to use for everyone ● Empowering …

Windows 11 Gets New Taskbar Overflow Option

Are you the type of person who is in the habit of keeping all their apps open?  If so, you’re going to love a recent addition to Windows 11. In a bid to make finding your open apps easier, once you’ve run out of room on the Windows Taskbar, they’ve …