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Guarding Against DDoS Attacks – Essential Cybersecurity Measures

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are a serious threat in our increasingly digital world. As we rely more on the internet, the impact of cyberattacks like these grows.

Let’s dive deeper into understanding DDoS attacks, why they matter, and how to stay protected.

Understanding DDoS Attacks

A DDoS attack essentially jams internet traffic to block access to online services, much like cars crowding a street. Attackers use botnets – networks of infected computers – to flood a target with excessive requests and overwhelm it.

There are two major types of DDoS attacks:

  • SYN flood attacks repeatedly ask to initiate communications with a server until it cannot handle more connections.
  • Application layer attacks target specific functions of a server to drain its resources. These are more complex but often more effective at disrupting service.

Sophisticated attackers can now harness millions of devices to create botnets capable of delivering a crushing scale of traffic.

We have seen multiple recent attacks exceeding 100 million requests per second.

For perspective, that is over 1,000 times the traffic needed to take down most websites.

Why DDoS Attacks Are a Big Issue

The frequency and power of DDoS attacks are increasing at an alarming rate.

Cloud computing provider Cloudflare saw a 11,000% year-over-year increase in Layer 7 attacks in Q4 2021 alone.

Attackers recognition that every business now depends on internet connectivity makes the threat indiscriminate across industries.

DDoS attacks often last hours or days, resulting in tremendous costs from lost revenue, productivity, and customer trust.

A recent survey found that two-thirds of DDoS attack victims reported losses over $100,000.

For businesses that rely heavily on their online presence, the damage can be catastrophic.

Staying Protected Against Cyber-Attacks

While DDoS attacks are becoming more pervasive, there are steps organizations must take to reduce their risk:

  • Implement strong, unique passwords with multi-factor authentication wherever possible.
  • Keep all software up-to-date.
  • Maintain current backups of critical data.
  • Consider adding a web application firewall (WAF), which can identify and filter out dangerous traffic.
  • And perhaps most importantly, work with an experienced security team to continually monitor threats and refine defenses.

The bottom line is that awareness and preparation are essential to managing the rising threat of DDoS attacks which can severely disrupt digitally-driven organizations.

Take these precautions seriously to help avoid becoming the next victim.