Enhanced Tracking Protection Rolling Out To Firefox Users

Cookies have been part of the internet experience since the early days of the web’s history. Advertisers commonly use them to track users. Many users don’t appreciate being tracked, and have made this known to the companies that make the most popular browsers in use today. These companies have responded …

Firefox Browser Error Is Giving Android Users Problems

Do you own an Android device? Is Firefox your browser of choice? If you answered yes to both of those questions, be advised that there’s a serious flaw in the Firefox app for Android that may prompt you to uninstall it until the company issues a patch to correct it …

Password Text Export Feature Coming To Firefox

Mozilla’s Firefox browser, like most modern browsers, has a built-in password management feature that allows you to save passwords for sites you log into on a regular basis. Since the browser stores the information, that’s one less thing you have to remember. That allows you the convenience of one click …