Person holding a smartphone with Pinterest on the screen in front of an open laptop on a white desk.

Transform Your Content with Canva Magic Studio’s Features

Magic Studio’s AI-powered apps are game-changers for business productivity.

For marketing professionals, Magic Media’s ability to convert written content into engaging audio or visual assets with a click saves video production teams hours of work.

Features like Magic Switch also allow users to repurpose blogs as emails, social posts, and more in seconds. The time and cost savings are incredible.

Transformative Text and Media Conversion

Creating eye-catching images, audio, and video can be tough for non-designers.

Magic Studio is like having a full creative agency built into Canva. Users can instantly turn written product descriptions into product images and demonstrations.

This helps ecommerce sites stand out while maintaining brand consistency. Being able to swiftly transform text into multimedia makes Canva an indispensable asset.

Global Reach with Multi-language Translation

As a small business competing globally, translation costs were a barrier to growth.

But with Magic Switch’s 100+ language translation, users can easily localize content for new markets.

Simply draft a blog post, use Magic Switch to translate to Spanish and Portuguese, and now audiences can be better engaged.

The ability to transcend language barriers through automation opens huge international opportunities.

Enhanced Team Access and Control

Marketing teams collaborate in Canva daily, but controlling access across features proved challenging.

Magic Studio’s enhanced permissions give admins more granular control over team roles. Admins can ensure designers have access to all tools while limiting interns to basic functions.

These guards help teams work freely without worrying about mistakes.

It’s the best of both worlds – seamless collaboration and total creative oversight.

Universal Applicability Across Industries

Truly any business can benefit from Canva Magic Studio.

The breadth of features empowers users across functions – marketing, sales, HR, operations, and beyond. While the core capabilities center on graphics and content conversion, the workflows enabled reach into virtually every department.

And it’s all quick to learn too – no design expertise required!

Canva Magic Studio is the rare software solution that delivers value regardless of industry.