Total Cloud

Total Cloud keyboard

Supporting Your Team Wherever They Choose to Work. Mobile Device Management from Total Cloud.

We all know work doesn’t only happen in the office anymore, and it’s not restricted to 9-to-5. Many employees choose to work from wherever they are and well beyond regular business hours. And some of them access your proprietary information on their own devices, not the ones you gave them.

The challenge becomes managing and protecting your data on devices they own.

Mobile Device Management graphic

That’s why we’ve put mobile device management at the heart of our groundbreaking new offering, Total Cloud.

  • Total Cloud empowers you to manage and secure your critical data whether your employees work on iOS, Android, Windows or macOS devices.
  • Total Cloud helps ensure that your company's devices, apps, and data meet your security requirements.
  • Total Cloud guides you through the process of establishing security requirements for mobile devices, and what happens when those requirements aren’t met.

Bottom line: Total Cloud enables your team to be more productive, collaborative, and efficient — on any device, at any time, and from anywhere in the world. And Total Cloud empowers you to manage and protect your information wherever it is being accessed.

Performance, resiliency, security, education, and workplace transformation, all for a single monthly payment. That’s Total Cloud.

Check out how Total Cloud transforms network management to include all the fundamentals plus Microsoft 365 optimization, staff education and training, and phish testing and enhanced cybersecurity.

Contact us today, and find out how to future-proof your data network with Total Cloud.

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