Gen Intel Processors May Get Built In Ransomware Protection

At CES 2021, arguably the most influential and significant tech event in the world, Intel made an important announcement regarding its historic eleventh generation of chips. The latest designs will feature hardware-based ransomware detection protocols, which should serve to make those types of attacks less likely to succeed. In 2020, …

AI Will Help Lower Background Noise In Microsoft Teams

Are you working from home right now? If so, you’ve got plenty of company. Since the pandemic began, tens of millions of American workers have started doing exactly that, but there’s a problem. While working from home has its upsides, it also tends to be a bit noisier, especially if …

New Windows 10 Update Shows App Warnings For Malware

A great many malware strains are designed to engage quietly during a PC’s startup process and then idle in the background. They are in the system logging keystrokes, taking screen shots at periodic intervals and uploading them to a command and control server, or doing other nefarious things. Microsoft wants …

Intel Adding Additional Security To Future Processors

Intel has had more than its share of challenges over the last couple of years. Not the least of which included a whole family of new attack vectors that made headlines and caused panic around the world. This happened as hackers discovered new ways to attack machines with ‘Intel Inside,’ …

Microsoft Image AI Increases Accuracy To Rival Humans

Skynet just took a step closer to becoming a reality. The word, of course, refers back to the hit movie, ‘Terminator,’ in which a computer network gained sentience and decided to do away with the human race. While Microsoft’s latest advances in AI aren’t Skynet, their new, and recently touted …

Google Analytics Gains Additional Features

Since Google introduced Google Analytics back in 2005, it has become the industry standard. A simple, free method of getting a bird’s eye view into who’s searching for what on the internet. Millions of business owners around the world rely on Google Analytics to make informed decisions about how to …

SpaceX Starlink Satellite Getting Closer To Providing Service

How would you like to get your internet signal from outer space? You can! Elon Musk’s SpaceX company has moved another step closer to offering internet connectivity via its Starlink service. However, at the moment, there’s an important catch and caveat. Starlink has recently emailed fans to get their home …

New Image Format Will Soon Get Browser Support

In 2015, a new image format was born of a collaboration between Cisco, Google, and Dubbed AVIF, the format is based on the Av1 video codec. It is royalty-free and widely regarded as the most highly optimized image format to be developed to date, superior to old standbys BPEG, …

Bandwidth Limits For Updates Coming To Windows 10 Soon

Some Windows 10 updates are big. Most of them range in size from 200-500MB, but some are even larger. This month’s, for example (May 2020), is more than 2GB in size, which is big enough that downloading and installing it can hog all the bandwidth you’ve got. That can easily …